• brauche eure hilfe für meine englischaufgaben.

    1.please make questions with Have you ever...? then write answer- Yes,I have or No,I haven't-for yourself.

    a.eat ice-cream late at night

    b.walk home from a party at 3 a.m.

    c.read a book till 5 a.m.

    d.go for a swim in the rain

    e.forget the shopping for the weekend

    f.talk to a neighbour about cats

    g.watch ta football match alone

    h.go to bed at 7 p.m.

    i.do a test in a newspaper

    j.read your horoscope

    2.please complete the sentences with for and since and the following verbs.

    -(to) work-(to) study-(to) live-(to) learn-(to) be-(to) start

    a.sheila___________ at the job centre_________five months.
    b.she_______in Clarence Road________she moved here.
    c.she_____________German_______two years.
    d.michael___________an electrician_______he left school.
    e.colin____________at university__________four years now.
    f.mrs davenport___________work again__________april.

  • 1.)
    Die Antworten musst du halt je nach dem, was du davon schon gemacht hast, umschreiben in Yes, I have oder No, I haven't.

    a.eat ice-cream late at night
    Have you ever eaten an ice-cream late at night? - No, I haven't

    b.walk home from a party at 3 a.m.
    Have you ever walked home from a party at 3 a.m.? - Yes, I have.

    c.read a book till 5 a.m.
    Have you ever read a book till 5 a.m.? - Yes, I have.

    d.go for a swim in the rain
    Have you ever gone for a swim in the rain? - Yes, I have.

    e.forget the shopping for the weekend
    Have you ever forgotten the shopping for the weekend? - No, I haven't

    f.talk to a neighbour about cats
    Have you ever talked to a neighbour about cats? - No, I haven't.

    g.watch ta football match alone
    Have you ever watched a football match alone? - Yes, I have.

    h.go to bed at 7 p.m.
    Have you ever gone to bed at 7 p.m.? - Yes, I have.

    i.do a test in a newspaper
    Have you ever done a test in a newspaper? - Yes, I have.

    j.read your horoscope
    Have you ever read your horoscope? - Yes, I have.

    für 2 hab ich keine Zeit mehr, sorry!
    hoffe, das hilft dir schon mal

  • ja danke.ist echt nett von dir!wenn du wieder zeit und bock hast,kannst du ja die anderen fragen noch machen!