Kann mir jemand mein Englischen Text über das "Wild Leben in Kanada" korrigieren ?

  • Hallo Liebe Community,
    Ich muss einen super Vortrag morgen in dem Fach Englisch liefern und wollte meinen Text nochmal von Leuten die sich mit Grammatik in Englisch gut auskennen korrigieren lassen. Ich muss ehrlich zugeben ich bin nicht wirklich gut in Englisch. Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen. =)

    Der Text:

    Hello Mrs. *** and Mrs. **,

    My Name is * * and I want to talk about the wild life in Canada.

    The fauna of Canada can be grouped into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and insects.

    In recent decades, human encroachment was a threat to Canada's wild life. There are National Parks and National Wild Life Areas. National Parks protect natural regions in Canada

    Here you can see a picture of a grizzly bear

    The grizzly bear lives in North America. It is a subtype of the brown bear. All bears in Canada are grizzly bears with the exception of the Kodiak bear. Grizzly bears are omnivores like most bears. Grizzly Bears excellent hearing and take the bleating of a deer calf still about 500 meters true. Grizzly bears are solitary and both day and nocturnal. Despite his massive physique of the grizzly bear can reach a speed of 60 km / h. Except when hunting it moves though usually at a leisurely pace. A single bite can result in serious injury or even lead to death.

    Here you can see a Canadian Beaver:

    A Canadian Beaver is a typical animal in Canada. Beavers mate for life monogamy. Only when one partner dies, the surviving beaver looks for a new partner. They live in small family groups consisting of parents and their one- and two-year-old pups. at the age of two to three years Beaver become sexually mature and leave the family unit. Beavers are herbivores and use the most common plant species in their habitat.

    Thats the Wolverine:

    The Wolverine is one of the most dangerous Animals in Canada. It’s no surprise that Marvel Comics creators gave the name “Wolverine” to a Canadian superhero. Much like Marvel’s most famous X-Men, real wolverines are badass They have long, curved claws on each paw and their well-developed neck and shoulder muscles are so strong that they can chew through frozen animal meat Much like Marvel’s most famous X-Men, real wolverines are badass. Wolverines are mainly active at night. For the rest retire in nests they build from grasses and leaves in caves, crevices or under fallen trees.

    I hope you enjoyed my lecture about the Wolverine, grizzly bear and the Canadian Beaver.

    Liebe Grüße, ManWithProblems