ganz dringend!!!!!

  • hi leute,
    Ich habe hier ein comment geschrieben und würde euch bitten soviel wie möglich zu berichtigen!?
    ganz unten sind ein paar vokabeln übersetzt falls ihr manche Wörter nicht ganz versteht.
    es ist ein comment, welches ich bis morgen schreiben soll.

    The death penalty

    Every year a lot of murderers are executed. The death penalty deters criminals from commiting crimes. They know if they commit a crime they will be imprisoned or sentenced to death.
    It´s very difficult to decide wheter somebody should live or die. Judges are not always competent or independent. So it could happen that innocent people are executed. The death penalty is an irreversible punishment. Once carried out it can never be corrected.
    The supporters of the death penalty want to prevent criminals from commiting another crime. They execute murderers and prevent people from killing again. This way you can save innocent lives in furture.

    On the one hand the death penalty is considered to be an appropriate punishment for very cruel crimes but on the other hand you can´t really prevent people from killing by threatening to kill them. Life imprisonement has the same effect. They would spend their whole life there so it would be a moral or ermotional punishment. They would have to suffer from their guilty conscience.
    Sometimes it happens that murderers become religious in this time.
    The modern view is that criminals should improve during their time in prison.

    It´s true that life imprisonment is more expensive than executions but costs shouldn´t really matter when it comes to issue of life and death.
    The Declaration of Human Rights prohibits all forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Amnesty International totally opposes capital punishment and seeks the abolition of the death penalty. It has already happened in several countries.

    I think that the death penalty is not always fair. The kind of punishment is often determined not only by the nature of the crime but also by the social and ethnic background, the financial means or the political opinion of the defendant.
    Friends and relatives of the victims often want to take revenge on the murderer. They propably wish for the death of the culprit.

    For innocent people it´s hard to prove that they aren´t guilty and if they have no alibi they have no chance to be acquitted. Sometimes people have been imprisoned for ten years and after this time it was found out that they were not guilty. It was a mistake.

    I can´t express my personal opinion because there are two aspects to a crime: the innocently executed and the familie or friends of the victims.

    hier ein paar vokabeln

    the death penalty - Todesstrafe
    deters abhalten
    imprisoned eingesperrt
    sentenced to death zum Tode verurteilen
    innocent unschuldig
    execute hingerichten
    irreversible nicht umkehrbar
    punishment Bestrafung
    prevent verhindern
    cruel crimes grausame Verbrechen
    threatening drohen
    imprisonment Gefangenschaft
    guilty conscience schlechtes Gewissen
    prohibits verbieten
    degrading treatment erniedrigende Bestrafung
    seek bestreben
    the abolition die Abschaffung
    the devendant der Angeklagte
    victim Opfer
    to take revenge on sich rächen an
    culprit Verbrecher
    prove beweisen
    guilty schuldig
    to be acquitted freigesprochen werden

    kein kommentar

  • hab auch nur mal so ganz grob drüber geschaut , nich viel zeit sry.aber:
    versuch mal etwas längere sätze zu bilden , also haupt+nebensätze. das sieht bei dir im moment ein wenig abgehackt aus. benutze noch ein paar mehr bindewörter