Civil Rights Movement :ways of resistance - Referat 10 min ? Hilfe

  • Kann mir jemand helfen??
    ich muss ein 10- minütiges Referat in Englisch präsentieren Über das Thema ways of Resistance of the civil Rights movement?
    Ich habe als Unterpunkte:
    segregation - Supreme Court
    School Desegregation
    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Freedom rides
    Brown v Board of education

    Voting Rights
    March on Washington
    Bloody Sunday

    Meine Frage wäre nun, welches der aufgelisteten Unterthemen überhaupt zutreffen und welche sehr sehr wichtig sind.
    Und habt ihr vielleicht ein Unterthema als Ergänzung?
    Kennt ihr vielleicht ein ganz kurzes 2- minütiges video über dieses Thema?

    Ich danke schon im Voraus

  • Civil Rights Movement
    1861 1865: Civil War
    1865: All slaves are free; they are citizens of the United States
    1896: The Supreme Court permitted segregation in schools, so long as the schools for black children were as good as those for white. ("segregate but equal")

    Chronology of the Civil Rights Movement (1954 – 1968) (During this time, many black people were lynched)
    1954 Brown v. Board of Education: The Supreme Court rules that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.
    1955 Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat at the front of the bus to a white passenger and is arrested.
    Because of that the bus boycott starts in Montgomery; the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) is founded
    1956 After the bus boycott the Montgomery buses are desegregated.
    1957 - There is segregation in public places in the whole south.
    - The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is founded with King as their president.
    - Desegregation at Little Rock High School, Arkansas
    1960 - Sit-in Campaigns: Black students protest at a white-only lunch counter to get service.
    - The Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC9 is established at an SCLC meeting)
    1961 - Freedom Rides: Blacks make bus trips to stop segregation at bus terminals
    1962 - Mississippi tumult: James Meredith tries to become the first black student at the University of Mississippi. Two students are killed at a tumult.
    1963 - The Birmingham protests: King leads a demonstration demanding greater job opportunities for blacks. This demonstration was broken up, because police dogs attack the marchers.
    - M. L. King's speech "I have a dream"
    1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws discrimination in voting, in public housing, in employment
    1965 - Malcolm X is murdered
    - Bloody Sunday: The march from Selma to Montgomery in support of voting rights ends because the police used tear gas, whips and clubs against the marchers.
    - The Selma to Montgomery March starts again under the protection of the federal National Guard
    Voting Rights Act of 1965 is signed by President Johnson
    - A violent rebellion of blacks broke out
    1966 - The Civil Rights campaign for better housing and schooling is established
    - The "Black Panther Party" is founded
    1967 Sam Smith is elected as Seattle's first black city councilman
    1968 - King is murdered by James Early Ray, in response to that a violently protest breaks out.
    - The Civil Rights Act of 1968 outlaws discrimination in the sale, the rental and financing of housing

    Serval Associations
    NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People
    ACMHR: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
    SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    SNCC: The Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
    Important Persons
    Rosa Parks
    1913 Rosa was born on 4. Feb. as Rosa Mc Caulley
    1932 married Raymond Parks, took part in the movements of blacks for the right to vote
    1955 Praks finished work in Montgomery and took a bus to get home
    - The bus got crowded, she was ordered to give up her seat to a with passenger
    - She refused and was arrested
    - bus boycott started
    1956 the boycott ends on Dec. 21, after the Supreme Court rules bus segregation in unconstitutional
    Malcom X
    29 May 1925: Malcolm Little was born
    1931 his father, a Baptist minister, was killed after a threat of the Ku Klux Klan
    1964 Malcolm was arrested because of burglary and jailed for 8- 10 years
    1952 released from jail, became a minister for the organisation "The Black Muslims "
    1964 - break-up of the party
    - founded the "Organisation of Afro- American Unity" (OAAU)
    21 Feb. 1965 Malcolm X was murdered by several men, alleged members of the "Nation of Islam", while giving a speech for the OAUU

    The Black Panthers Party
    - Only black organisation in the history of the black resistance against slavery in the US which used weapons and force
    - founded in 1966, after the assassination of King
    - Principles: - immediate fulfillment of the most urgent needs and the end of the oppression of blacks
    - The right for self-defense
    - Until the end of 1968 nearly all furnishings of the party were attacked by the FBI
    - After 1977 the party broke apart because of new attacks by the FBI and internal tensions

  • Gute Lernkarten einfach erklärt , Martin Luther King Ende der Karte findest du einen Link zu Rosa Parks…?id=1593&edit=0

    Rosa Parks' Verhaftung war der Auslöser für die Entstehung der von Martin Luther King angeführten schwarzen Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den USA. "Der Bus von Rosa Parks" erzählt die Geschichte dieser mutigen Frau.

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