
  • wir haben grade in englisch das thema wahlen in den USA...ich kann diese fragen aber einfach nicht beantworten weil ich nichts konkretes darüber finde...kann mir da einer helfen??

    Fragen: President Elections 2008

    Who was/is the most-liked and most-hated President in the USA?
    Who can vote/not vote?
    What kind of parties can be elected?
    Which kind of structure does the government have?
    Who can be elected/become president?
    Secret or open vote?
    What are the current issues?
    Who votes for whom and why?
    What tasks does the president have?
    Since when are black, and white people and women allowed to vote?
    Who is interested in killing the president?
    Can someone manipulate the elections?
    Who was the first president of the United States?
    How many terms can the president be president?
    Who is allowed to take part in the elections?

    danke schonmal im voraus!